Rabbi Dan Gordon, has been the spiritual leader of Temple Beth Torah (TBT) since 1998. He received his rabbinic ordination (semicha) from the Mesifta Adath Wolkowisk Rabbinical Academy of New York. Prior to rabbinic work, each step in his professional career led to this life calling. He directed Jewish summer camps as well as a camp for economically disadvantaged children. He served as a youth director, a Jr. Congregation leader, JCC program director and a principal of a Jewish high school program. For two years, he also managed an auto parts warehouse, gaining valuable lessons from various segments of both the Jewish and secular worlds.
In each of these endeavors, Dan’s primary focus was connecting with people. His talent as a storyteller has taken him all over the United States, Israel and Australia, performing and leading workshops for all ages. Since 2006, he has co-chaired the National Jewish Storytelling Network, and he is a past president of Houston’s Jewish Educators Council. He has served on the faculty of the JCC’s Melton Adult Mini-School since 2002 and also served as its interim director. Since coming to TBT, he has been active in the interfaith community as a board member of the American Jewish Committee, a member of the Coalition for Mutual Respect and on the advisory boards of CanCare and TRUTH: Travels Revealing Understanding-Trust-Hope. He has invigorated TBT’s community, inspiring children and adults to enjoy Judaism through song, story, fellowship and mitzvot. And he has especially enjoyed learning your stories and sharing stories with you.
Contact Rabbi Dan Gordon at rabbi@tbthumble.org
Learn more about our Rabbi at his web site: http://rabbidangordon.com/